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CD「The Lord's House」 -CD”The Lord's House”

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    • グッズ
    CD「The Lord's House」
    GOD’s kingdom vol.7出演者5バンドによる、オムニバスCD (English below) ★「The Lord's House」 本体価格1,200円 〜★〜「The Lord's House 」試聴動画はこちら 〜★〜 〜*〜*〜*〜  〜*〜*〜*〜...
    ¥ 1,200
  • ※別途システム手数料100円がかかります。
  • 注文メールが届かない場合はこちら

GOD’s kingdom vol.7有志参加のオムニバスCD予約チケット

(English below)

★「The Lord's House」



(イザヤ書 2章2~3節a
 聖書 新改訳2017©️2017 新日本聖書刊行会
 許諾番号 4-2-845号)

GOD’s kingdom vol.7のライブをもとに、出演者有志のオムニバスCDとして販売

5アーティスト 10曲収録+ボーナストラック=11曲!

→ CD限定イ•ヒョヌクのボーナストラック特典付!
日本でも活動し続ける神の国のアーティストのオリジナル賛美曲をなんと!The Lord's Houseに収録!お楽しみに!



(配送先1件につき、日本国内 送料200円。)

GOD’s kingdom 事務局から発送致します。
→ お待ち頂き心から感謝致します!! 2024年3月10日、満を持して発売致しました。

→ CD限定イ•ヒョヌクのボーナストラック特典付が決定!
The Lord's Houseリリースをお待たせしているお詫びに収録決定!お楽しみに!


Comes with an omnibus CD with 5 bands participating at GOD ’s kingdom vol.7.

※Although it is displayed in the event column, it is not an event but a CD reservation sale.

★"The Lord's House" Base price:1,200yen Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord's house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of the God of Jacob.~" 〜

Isaiah 2:2,3a〜Holy Bible NKJV

Comes with an omnibus CD with 5 bands participating at GOD ’s kingdom vol.7 for 1200 yen per a CD.

→ CD exclusive Lee Hyunwook bonus track has included!
He is active as a K-pop and CCM artist, composer, producer, and worship leader, and came to Japan last year. What an original hymn song by an artist from the kingdom of God who continues to work in Japan! It will be included in The Lord's House! Please enjoy to listen to this!

It is recommended some gifts for your family and friends !!

If you wish to have separate delivery destinations, please enter the number of CDs together with another delivery destination in the remarks column or use this site.

(Mailing fee is 200 yen in Japan for each delivery destination. )

It will be sent from the GOD's kingdom office.
→→ Thank you very much for your patience! ! It was finally released on March 10, 2024.
Thank you for keep waiting for The Lord's House release! Please enjoy to listen this!
→ CD exclusive Lee Hyunwook bonus track will be included! He is active as a K-pop and CCM artist, composer, producer, and worship leader, and came to Japan last year. What an original hymn song by an artist from the kingdom of God who continues to work in Japan! We apologize you for keep waiting for The Lord's House release! Please look forward to!
(Once the production is completed, it will be shipped sequentially.Please look forward to shipping after completion of production.)

※As a system fee,100 yen will be charged per a ticket.